Coffee & Tea
What we live for

Kona Coffee
Fresh brewed Kona coffee grown, picked and roasted by the award winning estate farm Buddha's Cup Coffee, the highest elevation coffee farm in Kona.

World Brew Daily Cup
Our daily brew is a world blend created for Green Flash by the specialty roasters at Pacific Coffee Research

We brew Green Flash espresso. A unique roast created for Green Flash by Daylight Mind Coffee Company. Served with silky foamed milk.

Haupia Latte
Espresso, frothy milk and....wait for it.....coconut.

Flavored Latte
Choose your poison: vanilla, caramel, macadamia nut, almond and on and on...

Chai Latte
We serve this baby dirty. That means you get our amazing specialty chai, frothed milk and a shot of espresso. Our most popular drink.

What's better than chocolate, espresso and steamed, silky milk? Not much. Creamy White or Luscious Dark Chocolate

Gianduja Mocha (that hazelnut chocolate thingy)
It's pronounced john-doo-ha. But you don't have to say it right to get one made for you. Chocolate, hazelnut, espresso, milk. Gianduja must mean delicious.

The Mauna Kea Mocha
Like the mountain, it's spectacular. White chocolate, macadamia nut, espresso, frothy milk. Don't miss this one.

The Earthquake (rumble...rumble...)
Grab ahold of something. 4 shots of espresso, a little chocolate and whatever room is left in the cup is filled with milk.

Espresso, Cappuccino, Macchiato
Sure. What's your pleasure?

Hot Tea
Organic English breakfast? Sure. Organic green tea with citrus and gingko? Sure. Lemongrass Mamaki Kona loose leaf
Additions or substitutions
$0.75 each Alternative Milks- Coconut; Almond; Soy or Rice; Flavored Syrup 1 oz; Blended; Split Cups/Shared